I am František



“I’ve known František for a long time now. Hopefully long enough to describe him as an artist.

I think, František doesn’t see himself as a photographer. He just keeps making photos. Always a little in disguise. Undetected. He doesn’t do strategically planned shootings. He just happens to have his camera with him and reacts to his enivronment. Mostly to architecture, to rooms, to interiors or to objects in space. And the people who appear, relate to and behave within this space. They get photographed without even noticing that he is taking their picture.

Maybe that’s because he’s really not taking their picture at all. He takes pictures of what is in between them and the objects they perceive. In a way, he seems to create images of the spacial connection between humans and a room they’re in, a piece of art they’re seeing, walls and doors they come walking towards or from.

And in doing so, he makes them more human. They come to life in relation to the inanimate objects they observe or the empty space they cross. I know that this is really not František’s intention, though. He loves modern architecture, minimalist design, the unmanned pure space. He doesn’t love people so much. It strikes me as odd and at the same time as beautiful that in his secluded way of taking pictures, of avoiding any kind of human contact and being totally by himself, he just can’t get away from them, from us. We appear and reappear with our strange ways, our curiosity, our inappropriateness, our idiosyncrasies. We keep popping up.”

Eff (singer of the band Box of Chocolates) about František’s series “museumhumans”